Monday, January 7

We have a Walker!

Some may call it a drunken sailor walk, but after watching your hardworking chunky legs take those big strides, you deserve to be called a "walker".

Your first steps did not make it to video, but they were very loudly celebrated by Mommy, daddy and sissy. You were 11 months old, in the living room and just went for it! We hooted and hollered and you cackled at our craziness. It was such a prideful moment and you have taken more and more confidence in your steps each day. After a week of steps on your own, you can now walk across the room stand up on your own, reach down pick something up and stand back up. I can already tell that as soon as you gain your balance you will not walk but run everywhere. The foreshadowed bumps and cruises are endless. I am so proud of you and so happy to see you grow. I love you my sweet boy.