Sunday, February 28

Weekend in Review

The last days of February snuck up on me and I am sitting here typing this wondering where all the time went.  This weekend we spent a lot of time trying to console you as you are either teething another tooth or have an ear infection, stomach ache...I don't know but it caused you to cry 85% of the time, you have not taken a nap and have not slept at night.  Pitiful. You seemed better today, but I am calling the doctor tomorrow to have you checked out. Through all of the tears we still managed to get some smiles out of you.

Friday morning.
Hanging out watching Lifetime..I mean educational baby cartoons. ;)
You were rolling around so much you wrapped yourself in the blanket and lost a sock.
Sunday lunch at Grandma Charly's house. Uncle Jimmy decorated you with his Harley toboggan.
You have figured out how to put your passy in your mouth on your own, and you also use it to chew on.
Watching the Canda vs. USA Hockey game with your Honey Bear.
Chewing, sucking and drooling on your fingers.
We never get pictures together but daddy snapped a quick one before bath time.
You love standing on my lap; I can't believe how big you are.

Thursday, February 25

Thursday's Thanks: Daddy is Home!

Thank you for Daddy to be home safe and ready to play!!  Your daddy has been in Arizona for business this week but he came home tonight! We missed him very, very much. As soon as he got home he scooped you up, fed you dinner and gave you a bath.  He proudly brought you back two outfits from the Lilly store in his Hotel.  He rocked you to sleep and snuggled for a while.  I think he missed you something awful!

Friday, February 19

5 Months

At five months you are 21 pounds and 27 inches long. Your still wearing some 6-12 months clothes, but when it comes to anything "onesie-like" it is a few 9 month but mostly 12-18 months. Oh, the pain your daddy felt when he realized I bought you some Lilly bathing suits while I was pregnant that you will never wear. Oops ;) You have two teeth and a big smile to show them off.  The first one came and then a few days later the second one showed up which meant lots of discomfort. Your favorite food is pears, but you also eat sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and bananas. You cackle loudly, squeal and say the syllable "ba", and you love to spit. We think you have discovered how to really cough lately becuase now you will cough and then laugh and smile wildly. I am a pretty big fan of all that you are.
I can't seem to get a good picture of your teeth, so this is the best I can do for now.  Teething has proven to be quite the event. You were not a happy camper about it, but now that they have come through your gums you are doing a lot better. 2 down 18 to go...eek.
This is your perma face.
Any time I sit you on the couch you love to wiggle and scoot until you are laying flat ( I am thinking this is so you can get into rolling position). You also find this very amusing. I find this meaning I can no longer leave you alone on the couch.
Sitting with your Musical flowers.
Bright eyes.
This morning you had so much fun as you discovered how to pull the covers over your face and play peek-a-boo.

There are so many things I want you to know.  Like how the hints of glitter in your hazel eyes make me smile. How I want you to ride roller coasters and jump off the high dive with no fear (trust me I will have enough for both of us). And that the sound of your giggles fullfill my day. Or that I hope you let yourself fall in love even if it hurts. How you make me feel so special when I am holding you and you squeeze and hold on to my arm. And that you should never settle for anything less than butterflies. But since you are only five months old and we have lots of time to get to all of those things, I want to share with you something simple, something that keeps repeating in my head. A little bible verse, that is big and full of exactly what I want you to know today, and for forever. "I am with you always." Matthew 28:20. I know I have said it before, but my cup runneth over sweet thing. xoxo, momma

Sunday, February 14

My Funny Valentine.

Today was a fun one. You opened a few presents, some cards. We played with your new stuffed animals and you learned how to "kiss" them which to you translates into "eat their face". We fingerpainted and got hot pink paint EVERYWHERE.  It was just one of those days where I did not want to put you to bed.  I wanted to keep you up in my arms all night long. Here are some moments from your very first Valentine's.
This morning, hanging out in the playroom.

Staring at your CUTE patent leather shoes. That's my girl.
Playing with your new friends. Daddy got you a dog that kisses you, and grammy and grandaddy got you a dancing and kissing snoopy.

More fun.
Going in for a "kiss".
The word L-O-V-E never held so much.

Friday, February 12


This is your new tub!

It looks like a floaty raft you would put in a pool, but it is a great solution to our baby-bathtub-is-to-small problem.  As soon as it came in the mail your daddy blew it up and we let you sit in it in the living room to get used to sitting on your own.

You were very quiet and interested in all of the colors. We may have found a keeper!

What is this thing?

No, seriously y'all, what is this thing?

Ah, I see.
This is kinda fun.

Yeah, I think I might like it...just a little bit. ;)

Saturday, February 6

First Tooth!

You have a tooth! It is one of your bottom front teeth and it is very sharp and you are pushing it with your tongue and drooling like crazy! I will take pictures of it later :)

Thursday, February 4

Thursdays Thanks

Thank you for being such a sweet and calm patient and we are also thankful for you not having a fever so far!  This is your first time being sick, and I promise this yucky cold will go away soon. You have been waking up in the middle of the night with such bad congestion that I am putting you in our bed propped up on pillows so you can breathe and drain!  Your lungs are froggy, your tummy is queesy.  Poor, pitiful thing! We keep passing this stuff back and forth. 
You couldn't quite make it to bed time before your eyes got to heavy to hold open.

After a warm bath.
Sick baby.

love you bunny.

Monday, February 1

It's Official.

Your head is at the top and your legs are bent and squeezed in at the bottom.  You can not move without water going everywhere.  I can not sit you up in the tub because your legs are too long.  It's official, you have grown out of your baby bath tub. We have moved you into the kitchen sink where you fit alright for now!
I also realized that in 3 and 1/2 more pounds...we have to get a new carseat.