Thursday, September 13

8 Months Old-Bland

I am going to be brutally honest with you buddy. Your first 5 months of life were rough. There were days that we sat and held you as you screamed and cried and refused to eat, and wondered, "will he ever be happy". Obviously the sleep deprivation and stomach churning worry did not help our overwhelmed and a bit over dramatic concerns, but we are parents and that is what we do.

And as life seems to do, or maybe its a God, or maybe it is just time. The storm begins to clear, and slowly but surely the crying becomes less and less, the bottles become emptier and emptier, and before we know it, we are staring in the face of a happy, smiling, giggling baby boy.

 Chunky baby thighs.

My baby boy Bland, on a daily basis I look into that toothy grin and feel some pretty amazing amounts of love. It is a new feeling of pride because you have really "made it through" some tough times. Your body is starting to agree with you and the GERD is calming, your only sign of Laryngomalacia is when you get excited and inhale quickly, it sounds like a loud frog croaking. You take most bottles awake, but drifting into sleep, and you gobble food three times a day with a snack in the afternoon. I started you on table foods early because I know it will take longer for you to learn to swallow comfortably. So far you love green beans, spaghetti, Cheerios, and bananas the most and will eat and eat and eat. Feeding yourself has become a new hobby.

No mom understands the JOY of watching your child gobble food, until you have a child with a feeding aversion. It is like my heart will burst when I see you willingly and happily eat.

Physically, as I have said before, you are rather large ;). You weighed about 23 pounds a month ago, so I am not sure what it is now. I tried to measure you with a tape measure but I couldn't get you to stay still. You are in 12/18 month clothes and your foot is a size 4.

You are pulling up, standing, and trying to cruise, but still trying to figure out your coordination. You say "da-da" over and over and over and over again....then when you get really, super upset (which you still do and continue to have a pretty large hem, thank you daddy) you will push out a "ma-ma-ma". I like to pretend these syllables/noises pertain to the given parent, but I know they don't ;)

You sleep really well (compared to your sister AKA the worst sleeper...ever.) Bedtime is 7pm and you are up between 6-7 am. Then you nap 9-10 and 12:30-3. So as you being to cut out your morning nap, hopefully your afternoon nap will stay consistent. This all sounds very rigid, but honestly the days you get "off schedule" you are kind of a wreck. You and your sister are very dependent on routine.

Sitting with your sweet Grammy.

Happy 8 months Blandy Boo, as Charlotte calls you ;)

Wednesday, September 5

Look Alikes

 Your daddy has very distinct features, and I have said it many times. He has the "tall, dark and handsome" look going on. 
As our lives revolve around Disney princesses these days, I find he looks mostly like Eric from Little Mermaid or even Aladdin...:) 
So it goes, you two have lots and lots of your daddy in you. Bland is often called Little Eddy. However, your daddy and I think you both have a lot of mommy in you too, it is just less noticed.
I wanted to show you, for the record ;), just how much you look like mommy and the "Worleys", too. xoxo, mommy