Monday, December 31

Christmas Festivities 2012

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. I love the excitement, the cold weather, the lights, the music...I love it all. Charlotte, you are becoming a Christmas Junkie as well, and were very into the decorating and the tradition. We had visits from Happy the Elf, Sky the Angel, Santa Claus himself, and you were a pretty good little girl this year and I think your list of hopefuls was fulfilled by Mr. Claus. However, just like the smart girl you are, insisted that Mrs. Claus was the real work horse behind it all...You are learning fast ;)

Bland, you have had a lot of changes this month and we are so happy to watch you begin communicating and gain independence. Those big brown eyes on your sweet face brighten our days and we adore you, even though you are an absolute, 100%, bonified, wild mess. When we ask you what Santa says, you will say "ho ho hoooooo" and it is the deepest, raspy voice that comes out. 

Christmas with the Forrest Fam

Christmas morning, I met you are the stairs, and you and Teddy were ready to go!

Excitement. Bland is behind you trying to run too.

He brought you your Princess Scooter!!

Bland's new playhouse.

I think he likes it!

Sorting through all of the new toys!

This has by far been the favorite toy this year. 
Grammy and Grandaddy brought this over to you and you are on it daily.

The most priceless Santa Picture ever.

Sweet brother and sister moment. Charlotte, you love to hold Bland's hand...all the time!

Bland meets Santa for the first time, and he was infatuated.

Attempting to eat a yummy brunch

Attempting to get an 11 month old, 2 year old and 3 year old to take a picture.

Wednesday, December 12

The Many Faces of Bland: 11 Months

I have only known you for 11 months, and just like the men of your namesake, you are handsome, full of strong will, and VERY curious. AND just like your daddy you are buck-wild, dark skinned, eyed, and haired--all kinds of gorgeous--, quite the charmer, loud, and very, very funny. You climb on any and everything, which you subsequently fall off of any and everything. Your taking a few steps here and there, but still prefer to hold on to something for balance. The poor little things we call knees are red, purple, and very bruised. 

In the past month you have also found your voice and what a loud sound it can make. The shrills and pure screams that come out are ear piercing and somewhat entertaining (when at home). I definitely get the looks when we are out in public and you share these noises with the world. The only syllables you have down pat are mama, dada, lala, and baba.

These days we get the looks anyways as I am carting you, Charlotte all with an XL belly for your brother. But that is a whole other story.

You are still having some ear troubles, and we are keeping an eye on your right ear in particular for fluids, and infection. You also still have signs of Reflux and discomfort but we are pushing through without meds for now. I am in the process of switching you to whole milk and so far you prefer it over formula...who wouldn't!

You weighed in at 26.8 pounds a couple of weeks ago, so you are growing very, very well. No meals skipped here ;)

I finally got you to sit still for some pictures by taking them in the bath (your favorite activity).

My sweet faced baby

Excited face, we see this often

Your "Hey Ladies" face. Always trying to charm...spitting image of your daddy.

Those lips, those cheeks...devourable

I did not do it.

Wide eyed. Almost all of your puffy-eye symptoms have gone away.

Talking with Sissy

Sissy squirting you in the face...she always finds a way to get you.