Tuesday, May 22

4 Months Old

You are changing by the day! How quickly I forgot how fun each stage of infancy can be, and all of the challenges that come with the changes.

Your check-up went well with you weighing in at 18 pounds 12 ounces, but then got sick and we went back and you lost a whole 5 ounces. Much to my relief you have gained it all back and then some as of today. Either way you are in the 97%.

You are 25 5/8 inches long, which is 80%, and your head is in the 97%. You are growing well despite your continued feeding issues.

It truly makes me wonder just how big you would be if you ate normal amounts. Hopefully we will see very soon.

You are on ear infection number 3 and this one has become a doosy as it has spread to both ears and you had to have a shot of antibiotic to clear it up. No wonder eating is a challenge!

I started you on solids recently and you enjoy sweet potatoes and pears the most. Bananas are on the do not like list. Just like your sister, you will not touch rice or oatmeal. However, you have to have it in your bottles and that suits you just fine.

Each day I thank God for having the chance to be your mommy. Your a wonderful sleeper (unlike your sister), and a happy baby (minus the reflux/esophagitus/laryngomalacia issues ;) ) Time and faith will get us through my baby boy.

As Charlotte tells us, "I love you to the sun and back" (I think she means moon) ;) )!!

xoxo, momma