Oh my sweet, sweet, sweet thing of a daughter you are. I do not know what I would do without you and your hilarious take on life. You make me laugh so hard. I have never in my life met a child with so much spunk and personality at this age. I am not saying that because you are mine...I am saying that because it is true.
You make up stories and tell them to daddy, with loud sound effects and constant twirling (you are always a ballerina princess). If I put on a navy sweater, you revolt and tell me swiftly that you are not a boy, and to hand over the pink one. You will sit and let me paint your nails for as long as it takes. When I ask you about your hair in the morning, you respond, I just want a bow...nothing else. The list of "funny sayings" is endless, and I wish I could write them down as fast as you spit them out.
Your sassy-ness is up and coming quickly, and my strict-ness is getting stronger. Some days I feel like I am constantly reeling you back in to reality..."No you can not have cupcakes and candy for breakfast", quick pouting session..."Mommy, can I have chocolate then?" and you can imagine how that response and further reaction pans out. I must admit, the tantrums and sassy ways do not bother me the way I thought they would so far. You told me I was a mean mommy yesterday because it was not in your plan to take a nap...So I just told you I love you and shut the door. I am sure this is only the beginning ;)
Your vocabulary and understanding of words is insane. And your compassion and ability to communicate makes me forget you are only 2. Sometimes you have to put me in check. For example, Friday I was trying to get you to sit up in your chair straight and eat your lunch. I kept asking, and you kept looking at me funny. The more frustrated I got, the more perplexed you became. Finally you said, Mommy I don't understand what your asking me to do, okay!!" Boy did I get a little mommy check ;)
The bond between you and your brother is already forming as you pretend to rock him and tell him that "it is ok, I'm right here, bwother bwand". So far, you have handled having a sibling beautifully. I can think of one day that you were almost unbearable in seeking attention and throwing fits, but for the most part I can not complain.
You have also become quite the daddy's girl in the past few months. One because mommy seems pretty busy these days, and two because you two have a hilarious relationship that I am so grateful for. But when you get hurt, sad, scared or wake up in the middle of the night, you still call for mommy, and that is reassuring ;)!!
You are so very special to me. Happy Half Birthday :)