Today marks 2 whole months of life. This world is so much fuller with you in it and our home is that much warmer. You have had a rough 8 weeks, full of sick days and a very hard time eating. You have already had a hospital trip full of IVs and weird tubes to clean your congestion. You have had a fiber-optic camera shoved up your nose and down your throat to take a peak and make sure things are alright...and the road is not quite ending yet. We have a few other tests that we will do soon. There is something in your throat that is keeping you from comfortably eating. It is a constant struggle to finish a bottle.
With all of that said, you are developing wonderfully. Your
Even though your weight is the issue, as you have been stuck at 14 pounds for 3 weeks still remain in the 100% for weight at 14 pounds 10 ounces. You are a little over 24 inches and your head is decent sized as well...I never remember that one. So, if we can get your eating sustained you will be one healthy sack of potatoes.
You are in some 3-6 month clothes, but comfortably in 6 month clothes. Your hair, although thinner, is still pretty crazy. It is lightening a bit to a pretty chocolate brown instead of black. Your eyes are on their way to being the same color as your daddy's hershey kisses, but they seem to be my shape, just like your sisters. I also have noticed that you are super verbal. You coo and squeal and smile like you are trying to giggle. You recognize our faces and voices very well. Nuzzling into our necks and chests is your favorite "I'm sleepy" cue, and I love snuggling with you.
If I let your sleep, which I haven't been able to because of the weight issues, you will sleep for hours and hours :) Giving my theory that boys are better sleepers than girls some solidity.
It is so nice to have you smiling up at us, cooing and squealing, grabbing onto our faces and your sisters hair ;). Just watching you grow is such a blessing and cures all of my mommy worries when you fail to get enough ounces in for the day. I know that we will work through all of the kinks. More weight checks will keep us on track to make sure you are all right.
Love you, sweet boy.