Saturday, May 8

Where did April go?

My darling Charley girl,

you. have. my. heart.

time is starting to run away and our days go by so quickly. i turn my head and it is time to put you to bed. i wake up and it is May--not April. we know how to soak up every minute of every day. sometimes i find myself taking a step back to really feel a moment. remember it. write it down in my bones.

you are changing. pulling up on things. attempting to crawl. having full on conversations with me and your daddy...and the dogs...and anyone who will listen. you show excitement by flapping your arms (like a bird about to take off) and cackle loudly.

you have a shy side and tend to lean towards me when you meet new people. you also have a very social side, and you adore being around other babies. that smile of yours lights up the room--especially when your little teeth shine through.  you are a really awesome snuggler, and i am so grateful.  being in your baby pool is the highlight of your day. this week you tried to put your whole head under the water.

yesterday i went to get you out of your crib and this is what i found.

my little girl. growing into a big girl.

"Look what I can do mommy!"
Our sweet thing. you. have. our. hearts.