Friday, March 5


...I tip toe into your room and pluck you out of your crib in the middle of nap time, your sleepy head heavy until it finds its nest in the nape of my neck. I sit in the yellow chair placed in the corner of your cozy room sprinkled with girly girl, and think about how you don't fit in my arms the same as you used to, and hold on to the fact that you still fit in my arms quite nicely.

...I read you stories from Gossip magazines and pretend we are just two girls chatting it up. By the end you have usually ripped the page or made it wet and swollen with drool.

...I have to read you the same book over and over and over again so you can get your share of On the Farm and Puppy Love.

...when you are having a rough day, I make and utter fool of myself to get you to smile. Goofy faces, loud laughs, silly songs and dances.  I mean utter fool, the kind people could use for ransom if they video taped me.

...I get lost in our day. Forget to change the laundry, start the dishwasher, make the bed. Realize it's night time before I realized what the date was. All because we are just too busy living.

...I let you play in the bath until your fingers and toes start to shribble into raisens.

...I spend way to much time getting you dressed in the morning. Trying on different outfits, playing dress up, trying on shoes.  I figure I only have so long to dress you in what I like.

...I let Sully give you kisses all over because the laugh that comes out and the face that you make is absolutely priceless and only he can get you to do it.  Don't worry we wash up afterwards.

...I try to fathom how much love, admiration and protection I feel for you and it just seems impossible to comprehend.  I hear it stays that way for forever.