Sunday, February 28

Weekend in Review

The last days of February snuck up on me and I am sitting here typing this wondering where all the time went.  This weekend we spent a lot of time trying to console you as you are either teething another tooth or have an ear infection, stomach ache...I don't know but it caused you to cry 85% of the time, you have not taken a nap and have not slept at night.  Pitiful. You seemed better today, but I am calling the doctor tomorrow to have you checked out. Through all of the tears we still managed to get some smiles out of you.

Friday morning.
Hanging out watching Lifetime..I mean educational baby cartoons. ;)
You were rolling around so much you wrapped yourself in the blanket and lost a sock.
Sunday lunch at Grandma Charly's house. Uncle Jimmy decorated you with his Harley toboggan.
You have figured out how to put your passy in your mouth on your own, and you also use it to chew on.
Watching the Canda vs. USA Hockey game with your Honey Bear.
Chewing, sucking and drooling on your fingers.
We never get pictures together but daddy snapped a quick one before bath time.
You love standing on my lap; I can't believe how big you are.