Friday, July 20

Happy Half Birthday Bland

At six months old you are all over the place. You sit up really well, and are trying to crawl. If I put you down you get on all fours and scoot from one side of the room to the other. I can not leave you alone. ever. ever. ever. The whole 'boys are into everything', that everyone told me about, is 100% true. While that means a lot more "watching and work" for me, it is really fun to watch you actually play with toys and get into things.

You are a big boy and at your check up you weighed 21 pounds, were 27.5 inches and your head is in the 98% so it is big as well. However, I feel like you are very proportioned and do not look huge. I am so thankful that you have kept your weight up and stayed such a big baby, despite your feeding aversions and sicknesses.

Your sister...she is your absolute favorite person in the house. She walks in, you light up. I must say you are quite the happy child these days, and it brings me such a special joy to watch you laugh and giggle and babble. You have said the syllables Ma and Da, but usually make yourself heard very well with squeals and bear grunts :)

We are lightening up on your Reflux meds so your eyes are starting to get less and less puffy (a side effect from so the amount of medication you have been on). You have two teeth and 4 coming in, that are taking I literally go through about 15 bibs a day. Your hair is filling out in a pretty dark brown just as your eyes are the identical color of your daddy, and in you have full eye brows ;) I must say that although everyone says you are a little Eddy, we have compared pictures and you have a striking resemblance (minus the dark coloring) to my dad and my own baby pictures. So, just as your sister, you are a good blend :)

I love that you are coming into your personality and becoming more active. We had your six month pictures done and you did great. I think you liked the girl taking the pictures...Already a sly dog ;)

I could seriously kiss those cheeks for forever.