Friday, July 20

Digging out of the Trench

[Insert deep sigh of relief here]

To anyone that still reads this ole forgotten blog of mine. The Forrest's are back in business. We are no longer calming a crying colic, GERD, Laryngomalacia, screaming baby. We are no longer throwing out untouched bottles and worrying all night long and all day that our baby is not eating. We have not had an ear infection in two months. I am no longer (well not as much) a nervous wreck at all moments of the day searching for answers to my babies unhappiness. Life is a little calmer.

That is right. We have dried our eyes, strengthened out patience, endurance for parenthood, and I can promise you I can now handle/tune out any amount or length of crying...or volume.  Quite a hurdle to jump for me, considering I couldn't let my first child cry for more than 10 minutes until she was 13 months old. That is a whole other story. :)

I am so relieved to say that my precious, handsome, strong little boy is finally "growing out of it" as all of the doctors and specialists predicted; which frustrated me as I wanted to just fix the problem.

All the while, my shining star of a daughter has made the journey with us, and handled things with such character. I worried how this would effect her and make her feel, as a lot of our time had to go to her new brother. Instead of resentment, she joined in with the worry. "Mommy, my brother just finished his bottle, YAY! Lets celebrate" and then in rough patches, "Mommy, is he ever going to stop crying?" At the time, I replied, good question :)

The resilience of a child is something I will never be able to fully comprehend. There is so much faith involved in becoming a parent and being a parent.

So on with life we go, new hurdles to jump, new joys to experience, and new laughter to ache our bellies. And most importantly, with more strength we dive in to what lies ahead. This motherhood pretty amazing.