Sunday, April 11

Sprinklers, Fans, and Cousins

The weather has been super nice and we have tried to spend a lot of time outside. You have a really big interest in the wind. You open your mouth like you are trying to eat it and giggle and kick your legs. So, sometimes to get a laugh out of you I will sit you infront of a fan and let you go to town.

We also spent some time outside with your new sprinkler from the Neelon's. The water was a little cold, but you still played in it a little with most of your attention taken by pulling out grass and putting it in your mouth. After a very short amount of time outside I brought you in and could not believe that you had gotten a little sun! So, from now on, sunscreen every day.

The week wrapped up with a visit from your second cousins Riley and Cooper.  They came up from Georgia to see Great Grandmommy Ada and stopped by to meet you. 

You are becoming very vocal and saying the syllables: da-da, ba-ba, la-la followed by high pitched squeals. I am in the process of trying to get it on video. It is priceless.

Sitting in front of the fan trying to "eat the wind".
Sitting in the grass. I think you just put some grass in your mouth. Yes, I got it out.
Getting in the water sprinkler!
Cooper, your cutie pie cousin.
Riley, the most hilarious and precious little thing and you sitting in the chairs.
Riley's pose!