Thursday, November 26

Thursday's Thanks: Gobble Gobble Edition

I am sure you are expecting me to go on and on about how thankful I am to be a mom, etc and so forth. That would be like me saying, "This year I am thankful for my family and friends." Cliche and general with no substance. Instead I am going to ramble on about all of the little itty bitty things I want to thank you for.

I want to thank you for:
showing me how to let my guard down and open my heart completely.
nuzzling my neck when you get sleepy.
being ticklish.
opening my eyes to a new world.
sleeping good.
being healthy.
letting me experience your new life with you.
having pieces of me and your daddy, but mostly being yourself.
giving me motherhood.
smiling at me when you see me.
hanging onto my shirt when I hold you.
not being afraid to cry. ;)
making the best cackles and coos.
remembering me day after day.
teaching me how to let things go.
putting up with all of the crazy outfits I put you in.
being my daughter.

Even though you are only 91/2 weeks old there are a few things you are thankful for too, and since your communication skills are through eye contact I will write them down for you.

You are thankful for:
your daddy and his unyielding desire to make you laugh.
milk...lots and lots of milk.
Sully and his kisses on your head when you are trying to sleep.
a warm home.
your fleece sleep sack (your favorite)
the itsy bitsy spider.
being outside in the grass.
the T.V. and all the bright lights it offers.
clean diapers (you refuse to have any sort of dirty diaper for longer than 5 minutes)
Alison Krauss and James Taylor (you fall asleep to them every night)
the Tarheels (you just don't know it yet, and daddy is not going to like this, soooo...).
the Pirates...arghh
your lamb binkie.
bath time.

Now, after all of that!!! Here is a recap of our festivities today. I did not get as many pictures as I wanted but you will get the jest of things!

We started the morning at Uncle Kevin's and Aunt Anne's house. You got to meet your Great Grandmommy Maw Maw Dot, your Great aunt Vicki and Great Uncle Bryan. Your cousins Ben, Matthew and Patrick and Aunt Anne's Mom Pat and her boyfriend Ted. You also got to see your GG again and spend some quality time with the fam. You were loved on and held by everyone. GG got your tummy to calm down by laying you on your tummy across her legs which is a new favorite position of yours! Here is a picture from the visit.

Great Grandmommy Dot, Daddy, GG, You and Me.

Afterwards, we went to your Great Aunt Jill's house for the afternoon. There were to many people to list. While daddy and I ate you were passed around, but that passing around stopped when you got the Great Grandmommy Charlotte. You decided to have a conversation with her and of course Aunt Suzy, Great Grandmommy Ada and I had to watch.

Here is a quick shot of our little family in the kitchen!

After several hours of social life, you were ready to come home and get out of your frilly Turkey dress and into your bed. Here you are as we got home.

Happy Turkey Day Sweet Thing!