Monday, November 16

A little spark in our day.

We live very close to a little pink old gas station turned boutique. It is one of the best places in town to shop and is one of mommies favorites!

We also take daily walks in the neighborhood. These walks typically involve--well--walking and us having regular ole girl talk. You usually fall asleep and I am usually out of breath and sweating by the time we get home. Your mommy is very out of shape!

Your probably wondering what these two things have to do with each other.

Let's just say that today our little walk took a side trip to that little pink gas station. And in that little pink gas station we did a little--no, that is a lie--A LOT of shopping.

And by the time we got home this is how tired you were. You could not even lift your arms.

Now, my sweet thing, we are going to have to work on that shopping stamina because there is a lot of it in your future.

Especially considering your daddy just notified me that we would be taking your shopping sprees in New York.

I have two words.

(no not spoiled rotten)