To say you are easy is an easy thing to say. It is both truth and in the situation. I appreciate your calm demeanor so very much.
You are Charlotte's twin, and I compare pictures all the time and can not get over how alike you two are. The only difference is your beautiful blue eyes. She truly asks me daily if she can be your mommy and I can just be Bland's mommy. Holding you is her daily highlight.
You are sitting up on your own, but still need some pillows behind you until you are less wobbly. Your head is very large, and it must be a lot to balance ;) You are not a huge fan of being on your stomach, but like to roll all over the place. You are just starting to try and scoot on your belly. You have 7 teeth and more coming in.
Blowing raspberries and laughing are your favorite things to do. We love every bit of you and cant wait to hear how much you weigh at your check up this week.