Monday, October 1

The Little Lady turns 3

You are my first child. My child that taught me the mind blowing and unconditional love a parent feels for their child. You brought magic into our days and loud laughter into our house. Your soul is old and deep. Your intuition and impressions are mature and surprising. The will in your little body is stronger than iron and stronger than mommy on some days ;).

My first experience at parenting, trying to get it all right. Our first tears of exhaustion and late nights. Our first churning worry and skinned knee screams. The first little face to look at me and say "ma-ma". All of these treasure we hold together. A little bond you and I have that no one else can change or take away.
You have grown and changed so much in 3 short years:
9.21/09- 2 days old

9.19.10- 1 year old

9.19.11- 2 years old

9.19.12- 3 years old

This year as I watched you blowout your candles with ease, I asked you to make a wish. Without hesitance or thought you said, "I wish for a healthy baby brother." You have no idea the power your little voice has and the impression you make on our family each day.

We spent your third birthday by celebrating for about a week solid. We had a Princess Bounce House birthday party with your friends, a Mexican Fiesta birthday dinner with more friends and a sunday lunch birthday party at Grandma Charley's with family. It was worth it, and it was so much fun.

Your brother gave you several My Little Pony's because they are your "favwit". He enjoyed the fun and got a little sample of ice cream and cake ;)

The day after your birthday, we went to Dr. Clifford for you 3-year-old check up. You weighed in at 39.7 pounds and measured 39 1/2 inches (way to be exact right ;) ) You are very TALL. and we already knew that ;). You got your Flu Mist and last immunization for Hep. You did not shed a tear, but looked up at me like "what in the world was that". It was both pitiful and strong.

You are very healthy, but have some trouble sleeping and settling at night. I think this may be a universal "kid" problem, but I thought I would talk to the doctor for tips as you are starting to get dark circles under your eyes because of being tired. We are working on some different techinques, and all in all I would say you are making progress, but you will always be my early riser.

At your Princess Birthday Party!!

Posing with Grammy and Bland.

Grammy and Grandaddy Bland.

Opening presents with your BFF Maddie.

Your buddy.

Blowing out your candles with Lucy and Alice.

Family Shot.

My favorite little girl in the WHOLE WORLD!

You love to blow out candles...I can't keep one burning in the house because you blow them all out :)

If I had written out a specific request to God titled, "What I want my daughter to be" you would be the answer. While we spend another Fall preparing for another baby brother, I look at you daily and think about how absolute our love is in this little medium sized family ;). Happy Birthday my precious Sweet Thing.

I love you to the moon and back.