Wednesday, August 24

Summer Break

I decided to take a "break" from blogging this Summer. As we spent long and lingering days in the hot, humid, unbearable southern heat, I took in each moment and placed sticky notes on my brain of things I wanted to tell you about. As a wild 'almost' two year old, several of these moments have no picture to document, but are hard stepped into my heart, and the laughter wrinkles around my mouth.

You seem to blossom more and more as a little individual and as a little girl. I see your mind soaking up every single word you hear (literally) and either questioning it, or repeating it...which has given your daddy and I a lesson or two in having the mouth of a sailor. You carry on conversations so well, and I really enjoy hearing your perspective on things. It always makes life much lighter and clearer during stressful times. Throughout the past few months, you have taken on quite a strong opinion, i.e. tantrums and attitude. While I have tried to prepare myself and stay grounded through each one, sometimes I just throw in the towel and give in. Hey, I guess you have to choose your battles sometimes. Your incredible ability to teach me both humbles me and prides me.

Your legs are full of mosquito bites, scrapes and bruises. You are daring, care free, and beautiful. The hair on your head is sun bleached blonde and your knees and feet are extra tan from dirt each day. We spent long mornings at the pool, and long afternoons in the front yard with your best friend Maddie. You two are hilarious. I lightened up on strict bedtime and you went a few nights with bath time in the sprinkler. Our sidewalk is permanently stained with chalk...not even the summer storms takes it away completely. Nothing stops you. You are tough, super duper social, funny, strong, caring, and did I say beautiful.

As life brings happy times it also brings hard times. Your paw paw, my grandpa Howard is very sick. He is battling cancer for the second time, and this time things are looking rough. We spend as much time as we can visiting and seeing him. I must admit it is hitting me hard, and your sweet response to him gets me the most. Each time we walk in to grammy Charlotte and paw paw's house you say, "Paw Paw, (running back to his room) you alright?" You love on him and hug him. You talk to him like he is your friend. You simply don't hesitate, and tell him "you can do it Paw Paw, come on". I am not kidding, these things come out of your mouth with the most sincerity. I have explained to you that he has a boo boo in his tummy. That suffices your questions. Sitting here retyping this experience gives me so much joy and so much sadness. Joy in your compassion and innocence. Joy that he his so loved and has had such an amazingly full life. Sad that he is hurts, and that you have to see that. Sad that my sweet Grandma and mother and aunts and uncles have to hurt. But with my strength in faith the joy seems to take over.

We got away for a few weekends to the mountains. We fed the fish, rode in the Kabota you coined "Buddha". Our entire family came up for a reunion and you had an absolute blast with your second cousins. You all painted each other, chased around in the grass, rode the 4wheeler, played in the water, and just enjoyed being kids.

You also helped me keep a big secret from May until June, and it was really fun to talk about it with you and for you to be with me when I found out that we are adding a new little person to our family. This is something I had been praying and praying for, for a while and we feel so incredibly blessed. A week ago, we found out that this little miracle is a baby BOY!!!

You are still saying "baby sista, mommy, can I see her" because everyone kept saying it was a girl. But as usual your grammy said from day one that it was a boy and that made mommy and daddy think it was a boy too. Grammy is always right :) I can't wait for you to have a little brother and experience the joy and journey of having a sibling. It is fun to watch our little family grow and grow! That has been our big Spring/Summer news and he will be here in early January. I will tell you all about this joy in another entry.

I would say it has been quite the summer. As any parent will say, my love grows for you each and every day. It is so true. I read a quote today on a friend from college's facebook (thank you Susan) and it said: "We lose ourselves in the things we love. we find ourselves there, too."      
This stayed with me in each moment I watched you today and it will stay in my heart forever as it brings such clarity to motherhood and what it means to me. Thank you my dear sweet thing. Can't wait to spend tomorrow watching you grow.

Say Cheese!

Sweet smiles.

Sit and Spin. Notice all the toys are pulled from your bins.

Painting, coloring, play do...your favorite things.

Boat ride with daddy.

Big brown eyes and sweet cheeks!

Not even kidding when I say, you put these on yourself and positioned your Barbie and said "Look Mommy, I'm a princess." All of this at 6:30 am. Hilarious does not even explain.

Riding in daddy's truck, fast asleep with your book.

Love that pretty skin and chunky arms. Your wrists have tan lines.

"Poppysicles!" Some things are easier without shirts to stain!

Rain on the pond.
My sweet child, dancing in the rain.

Sneaking in a picture with Mommy and Auntie before we went to Auntie Lauren's wedding!

love you kiddo, 