Sunday, March 20

18 Months or 1 1/2?

I haven't done monthly posts since you turned one, but this is a big month! Your half birthday, a whole 18 months, year and a half old. I don't know when it is time to stop responding to the "how old is she" question with months and start using years. We were at the playground the other day and a lady told me her child was 28 months and I had to stop and that makes him just 2. Anyways, to each their own.

I am having SUCH a blast with you and motherhood is everything and more. It is more joyful and more challenging than I could ever imagine, but it is so extremely fulfilling.

Because I forgot to schedule you 18 month appointment, you will have to go at 19 months so your stats will be later. I do know the following:

Weight: 30 back hurts often.

Favorite things to do
Color and Paint
Play with baby dolls, feed them a bottle, put them to bed, rock and hold them
Play in my make-up drawer,
Read Books by yourself in the playroom for FOREVER, you sit there and read out loud to your self and it is hilarious and adorable at the same time
Run, Jump and Dance
Playing outside, at the park, with friends
Slides-think the biggest, curviest ones at the playground.
Put on my shoes and walk around the house, or try on all of your shoes over and over again. (It is def. a girl thing!)
Be with Grandaddy Bland.

The swings

Tantrums-they last sooooooo long, sometimes up to 45 minutes.
You are a picky eater
You don't like for mommy to leave.

Your language and speech is awesome for your age.
You can count to 10 (usually missing a couple numbers)
I can point to most anything and you can tell me what it is
You know most of your colors-you say your favorite color is purple.

I love that your that I can already hear your southern accent in your little voice. It makes me smile.

So to my sweet little year and a halfer...18 months...big girl...what an adventure you bring to life. As I always say, You are the most wonderful form of happiness, exhaustion, reward and joy life has to offer.

I should add "playing in the sand" to your favorites. You sit in this sand pile that is really for the cement guy, and dig and play for as long as I will let you. As soon as our house is done, there will be a clean sand box in the back yard just for you!