Tuesday, January 19

4 Months

Today was full of sunshine, crisp air and smiles. You are growing in so many ways, my fingers are anxious to reveal them as in themselves they unveil a little girl emerging from that baby face. You are a people watcher and expression studier. The outdoors brings a since of calm over your entirity. Those eyes become wider each day with curiosity. A little voice has found giggles and squeals. We are finally seeing that you have a neck under that milk induced double chin. The hair on your head is coming in, in shades of blonde and light brown. Life is blossoming.

Stretched out on your gorgeous afghan from Grandma Charly.

Your new Kelsey Hat.

Sitting up all by yourself!

My girl.


An airplane catches your attention.

What a face, drool included.


Strong girl.


You also had your 4 month doctors appointment today. The shots were quick and you literally squeezed my finger the whole time. I must say it was the first time you really looked at me like "I need you momma." Dr. Clifford assessed that for your age you have really great head control/neck strength and an extra long period of alertness. You are in 6-12 month clothes, but out of some 9 month clothing. This is all owed to your size which is 18.2 pounds and 26 1/4 inches. Dr. Clifford said you are actually off the charts in weight and height, but that we did not need to worry about you being an amazon woman ;) She estimated you will be between 5'5 and 5'9 so we will see how that works out!
Happy 4 months Sweet Thing!