Monday, December 14

Newborn Photos

I have been staring at these pictures for a while. Trying to remember your first few weeks of life. Wishing myself back so you don't grow up to fast. Imagining how quick time will go and you will be looking at these pictures yourself and ask if you were really that small. Hoping I am soaking up enough of you each day so that the memories stay fresh for forever. Excited to see that you are much bigger now than in these photos, showing me how healthy you have been. Wondering what you will look like. Wondering who you look like. Dreaming about all of the days ahead. Needing time to slow down. Grateful of our life, and our little family. Happy that the world is at your fingertips.

I keep staring at these pictures, and just Loving that you are allllllllll ours.

You know how I love little tutus.

All you need is a little halo and you are on a cloud.


Basket Baby.

In your daddy's arms.

You are two weeks old in these pictures.