Sunday, October 31

Halloween 2010

All day I kept thinking about last Halloween and how much change you have gone through in a year. The weather was beautiful and made for a perfect fall day. We played outside and carved our pumpkins! I tried to get you to help me clean out the guts, but as soon as it touched your fingers you shuddered and scrunched your face as if to say, "ewww no way mommy".  We may have a bit of a girly girl on our hands ;)  You were interested in watching so it as fun to share the experience with you.  Afterwards we went over to the Michaelek's Halloween party with all of our friends in the neighborhood. It was an awesome party and you had your first hotdog! You ate the entire thing. I had to cut it into teensy pieces in fear of you choking. I keep forgetting that you have about 16 teeth with 2 coming in. Crazy.

You were a bunny rabbit, and I must admit, I don't think you were super crazy about the attire. It looked hot and itchy, but you were a great sport about it. Well sort of ;)
Helping my carve the pumpkin.

Keeping a bit of a distance from all the goo inside the pumpkin!!

Trying to get you to touch the pumpkin guts! You weren't having it.

My Floppy eared of course.

The only way you would keep the hat on is if you had your water.

Riding to the party.

At the party with Anna Perry the Blue Crab, and Madilyn the Cow that says MOOOOOO. 
Notice how thrilled each of you looks!

On a side note!! Last weekend daddy and I went down to Greenville to watch some ECU football and you stayed home with Grammy.  Needless to say this is what I found on my camera upon our return.

Fun with tissues...the things I get to do with Grammy :)

Caught red handed.

Sunday, October 24

Old Town Fall Festival

We went to the festival at Old town this afternoon! Lots of fun and plenty for you to see and do! You rode a horse again and I must say, it has this overwhelming since of calm on you. You were so focused, it almost put you to sleep. Maybe you will have some riding lessons in your future ;). You also got to pet several animals, EXCLUDING the oversized snake...eeeeeek. Sorry kiddo, I am not even introducing you to the idea. You went down the slide with daddy! We dressed you as Snow White and you seemed to love the fluffy skirt!

Riding the horse with Porter aka Little Monkey!

Love those cheeks.

The horse was an Albino named Obama...funny.

Weeeeeee!! This is fun Daddy!

Monday, October 18

More Fall Fun!

What a crazy beginning to the season! You have had a fussy few weeks, and we found out that you had a double ear infection, several teeth coming in and severe chest congestion. With some Amoxicillin, inhaler breathing treatments, and good mommy and daddy loving, we are finally over the hump of yuck!!

I have not done a decent update in way to long, so here we go:

You are running, climbing, stomping, and running some more. Did I mention the climbing part? They don't call it the black and blue stage for nothing. I suck the air out of the room about a million times a day and I am hoping as you get older, and I get more experience I will stop being so anxious at your every fall.  Because let's face it, there will be a plenty. And it looks as though you are fearless like your daddy. And honestly I am very glad of that, as I am a total chicken.

You can tell me what a cow, sheep, and kitty cat say. You can say momma, dada, ball, bye, and yes or no, baby and Awwwwwwwww.

You can point to your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tummy toes, head, etc. The anatomy lessons are going great! I owe a lot of this to your fun Friday gymnastics class (aka run around and be crazy all to music).

The dancing abilities you have are pretty much the funniest thing I have ever seen you do. We are talking swaying, shaking your booty, head banging, and singing along to Justin Bieber, "Baby, Baby, Baby, Awwwwwww" That is all I hear! 

The older you get the more time I get to fall in love. Each day I spend with you gives me strength, confidence and purpose to life. I only pray and strive to give and teach you the same things. It is so nice to know that my purpose in life is to love your daddy, to love you, and hopefully a few more little siblings. Happy Fall Sweet Thing.
You and I at the Pumpkin Patch.

You and your girlfriend Alice!

Hayride at Tanglewood to the Pumpkin Patch

Could this be the one?

Sitting with sweet Maggie on the Hayride.

Mommy there are so many to choose from! What do I do??

Hmmm....Decisions, decisions.

And we found the keeper!! (or the one you could lift)
Running down the hill.

Miss Maddie and you hanging out together in your Halloween attire;) The fun you two have and will have! It is awesome having her next door!!

Your Preschool Fall Festival. You are at the music station watching the teacher dance and sing.

Kissing Jack that is living on our front porch this month.

Our weekly visit to Great Grandma Charlotte and Great Grandpa Howard.

Friday, October 15


The fall is finally here and this makes your momma very happy! It is my FAVORITE season so we have been enjoying all of the best fall festivities.

We took you to the Dixie Classic Fair, where you rode a pony named Charlie, watched the crazy rides spin around and stared at all of the even crazier people that were there. Your daddy and I were very excited to take you because you were too little to go last year.

Big Girl

Concentrating very hard!!

After the fair we went to the mountains to see the fall colors and go to the corn maze. It was really windy and cool, but so beautiful!!
Posing with Grammy.

Happy face!

This is kinda high up mommy.

Picking out your gourds.